Various Limited Edition Charms...

These are some, but not all, of the pewter charms included in the limited edition packaging of Scarlet's Walk.
Umbrella Tiger Zigzag Heart
Sunglasses Sunflower Slot Machine
Penguin Pencil Feather
Carrot Bird Arrowhead
Angel2 Seal High Heel Shoe
Pocketbook Rose Ladybug
Candy Aces Piano
Pig Star with Moon cutout Chaps
Moon with Star cutout Flower1 Flower2
Lizard Saddle Dice
Snake Canoe Dreamcatcher
Carousel Butterfly Cowboy hat
Chili Bike Basket
Airplane Ice skate Teepee
Wine bucket Teacup Starfish
Sun and moon Kokopelli Butterfly2
Book Bus Dolphin
Birdhouse Cat -- --