The goal of this site is to provide a fully updated archive of all Tori's entire discography and collectibles.
This online version can be constantly updated with new information as new items are uncovered. Anyone can feel free to submit new items, information, or suggestions for the site by emailing here (a shared email address by all creators of the site). If you have items or information to contribute, let me know when you email me if you want to be credited on the site for your information and, if so, what information you want to be put on the site. I am definitely not a web designer, so I hope people can overlook the amateurish appearance of the pages. I have tried my best to put together a layout that presents the most possible information in the most clear manner.
Although many sections are not yet completed, this site will hopefully contain information on nearly every aspect of Tori collecting. The one exception to this will be bootlegs. Many sites have focused on Tori's "official" bootlegs of live performances in the past and I am definitely not qualified to comment on them because I don't collect those. Since there are not many non-CD-R bootlegs being produced these days, an updated list is probably not very necessary. (On this site, at least).
So feel free to browse around. Hopefully people will enjoy the site as much as I enjoy making it.