This site does not condone the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material. The intention of this category is to document and reference what recordings are available and to rate their sound quality.
Many thanks to the extremely detailed Tori Amos Bootleg Discography originally created by Jason Bilsky and John N. Underwood. Much of the information in this section was cross-referenced from an archived version of their site, which is sadly no longer active.
Also a huge thank you to, a extraordinarily valueable resource for Tori fans to see all the songs she played on virtually every show she's ever done. We gathered information and verified many of the concerts taped for the boots on this site.
What primarily classifies an item as a "Bootleg" as opposed to a "Counterfeit" is 1) how much is it trying to replicate an already existing authentic item / track list and 2) whether or not Paul Campbell delineated the item as a bootleg. With some exceptions, bootlegs are typically not attempting to replicate an existing item, whereas counterfeits are. Campbell categorized certain items in the Bootlegs category that we might classify differently today, but for purposes of this site and to follow his lead, certain items (such as the Y Kant Tori Read bootlegs) in that book have been "grandfathered" into the same categories he placed them in.
Many thanks to the extremely detailed Tori Amos Bootleg Discography originally created by Jason Bilsky and John N. Underwood. Much of the information in this section was cross-referenced from an archived version of their site, which is sadly no longer active.
Also a huge thank you to, a extraordinarily valueable resource for Tori fans to see all the songs she played on virtually every show she's ever done. We gathered information and verified many of the concerts taped for the boots on this site.
What primarily classifies an item as a "Bootleg" as opposed to a "Counterfeit" is 1) how much is it trying to replicate an already existing authentic item / track list and 2) whether or not Paul Campbell delineated the item as a bootleg. With some exceptions, bootlegs are typically not attempting to replicate an existing item, whereas counterfeits are. Campbell categorized certain items in the Bootlegs category that we might classify differently today, but for purposes of this site and to follow his lead, certain items (such as the Y Kant Tori Read bootlegs) in that book have been "grandfathered" into the same categories he placed them in.
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Photo | InvisTitle | InvisCategory | Category | Subcategory | Title | Year | Country | Era | Format | Catalog | Label | Quality | Source | Tracks | Have |
Photo | InvisTitle | InvisCategory | Category | Subcategory | Title | Year | Country | Era | Format | Catalog | Label | Quality | Source | Tracks | Have |