The below items were created with the express intent to deceive the buyer into believing they are official when they are not -- which separates this category from all other categories, such as "Unofficial Items" or concert bootlegs. We document them in the hopes to inform buyers to what is inauthentic and what isn't.
Please note that the details here are mostly reflecting the physical characteristics of the item, and not the true item's origins (for example, the label might be read "Atlantic", but there is no real record label for counterfeit items).
Please note that the details here are mostly reflecting the physical characteristics of the item, and not the true item's origins (for example, the label might be read "Atlantic", but there is no real record label for counterfeit items).
You may filter this list using the drop downs or the search box below. To sort, click on each column header to sort by that header.the sort buttons below.
Numbered items possess variations.
Numbered items possess variations.
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Photo | InvisTitle | InvisCategory | Category | Subcategory | Title | Printed Year | Country Of Origin | Era | Label | Dim. | Pages | Have |
Photo | InvisTitle | InvisCategory | Category | Subcategory | Title | Printed Year | Country Of Origin | Era | Label | Dim. | Pages | Have |