| 16 Shades Of Blue T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | 16 Shades Of Blue T-Shirt Men's | | | wUnrepentant Geraldines Era, | | |
| 2010 Bonnaroo Music Festival T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | 2010 Bonnaroo Music Festival T-Shirt Men's | 2010 | | sFrom Russia With Love Era, | | |
| 5 1/2 Weeks Tour T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | 5 1/2 Weeks Tour T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | gTo Venus And Back Era, | | |
| 5 1/2 Weeks Tour T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | 5 1/2 Weeks Tour T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | gTo Venus And Back Era, | | |
| A Sorta Fairytale T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | A Sorta Fairytale T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Abnormally Attracted To Sin T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Abnormally Attracted To Sin T-Shirt Women's | 2009 | United StatesUS | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Abnormally Attracted To Sin T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Abnormally Attracted To Sin T-Shirt Men's | | | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| American Doll Posse | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | American Doll Posse Men's | | United StatesUS | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| American Doll Posse Doll Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | American Doll Posse Doll Shirt Men's | | AustraliaAU | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| American Doll Posse T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | American Doll Posse T-Shirt Men's | | AustraliaAU | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Bang T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Bang T-Shirt Men's | | | xNative Invader Era, | | |
1 | Battle Of Trees T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Battle Of Trees T-Shirt Women's | | | tNight Of Hunters Era, | | |
| Better Angels Knit Beanie | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Better Angels Knit Beanie | 2020 | United StatesUS | zChristmastide Era, | | 8.5"W x 12"H |
| Bitchin Cropped T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Bitchin Cropped T-Shirt Women's | 1994 | United StatesUS | dUnder The Pink Era, | | |
| Bitchin T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Bitchin T-Shirt Men's | | | dUnder The Pink Era, | | |
| Bliss T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Bliss T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | gTo Venus And Back Era, | | |
2 | Blood Roses T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Blood Roses T-Shirt Women's | 1996 | | eBoys For Pele Era, | | |
| Body And Soul T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Body And Soul T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Body Map T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Body Map T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Body Map T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Body Map T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Bonnaroo T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Bonnaroo T-Shirt Women's | 2010 | United StatesUS | sFrom Russia With Love Era, | Classic Girl American Apparel | |
| Bouncing Off Clouds T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Bouncing Off Clouds T-Shirt Women's | 2007 | EuropeEU | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Cars And Guitars T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Cars And Guitars T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| Christmastide Knit Beanie | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Christmastide Knit Beanie | 2020 | United StatesUS | zChristmastide Era, | | 8.5"W x 12"H |
| Cloud Riders T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Cloud Riders T-Shirt Men's | | EuropeEU | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Crazy Sleeveless Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Crazy Sleeveless Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Crazy T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Crazy T-Shirt | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Curtain Call T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Curtain Call T-Shirt Women's | | | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Dew Drop Inn T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Dew Drop Inn T-Shirt | | | eBoys For Pele Era, | | |
| Dew Drop Inn T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Dew Drop Inn T-Shirt | | United StatesUS | eBoys For Pele Era, | | |
| Digital Ghost T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Digital Ghost T-Shirt Women's | 2007 | EuropeEU | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Fake Muse Network T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Fake Muse Network T-Shirt Men's | | | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Fearlessness T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Fearlessness T-Shirt Men's | | | tNight Of Hunters Era, | | |
| Flavor T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Flavor T-Shirt Men's | 2009 | AustraliaAU | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Flavor T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Flavor T-Shirt Women's | 2009 | United StatesUS | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Hey Jupiter T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Hey Jupiter T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | eBoys For Pele Era, | | |
| Homo Spirituality T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Homo Spirituality T-Shirt Men's | 2007 | United StatesUS | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Honey Listen To Me T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Honey Listen To Me T-Shirt Men's | | WorldwideWW | dUnder The Pink Era, | | |
| Hot Air Balloons T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Hot Air Balloons T-Shirt Men's | | | eBoys For Pele Era, | | |
| Jackie's Strength T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Jackie's Strength T-Shirt Men's | | | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Jackie's Strength T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Jackie's Strength T-Shirt Men's | | | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| KROQ ACX T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | KROQ ACX T-Shirt | 1999 | United StatesUS | gTo Venus And Back Era, | | |
| Leaf Design T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Leaf Design T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Leaf Design T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Leaf Design T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Liberate Your Purrsonal Gifts T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Liberate Your Purrsonal Gifts T-Shirt Men's | 2005 | | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| Liquid Diamonds T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Liquid Diamonds T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Little Earthquakes T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Little Earthquakes T-Shirt Men's | | WorldwideWW | cLittle Earthquakes Era, | | |
| Lottapianos T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Lottapianos T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Maids Of Elfen-Mere T-shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Maids Of Elfen-Mere T-shirt Men's | | | wUnrepentant Geraldines Era, | | |
| Maybe California T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Maybe California T-Shirt Men's | | AustraliaAU | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Maybe California T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Maybe California T-Shirt Men's | | EuropeEU | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Maybe California T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Maybe California T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Mother Revolution T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Mother Revolution T-Shirt Men's | | | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| Mr. Bad Man Onesie | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Mr. Bad Man Onesie | | | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Mr. Bad Man T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Mr. Bad Man T-Shirt Men's | | | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Native Invader Jacket | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Native Invader Jacket | | United StatesUS | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Native Invader PledgeMusic T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Native Invader PledgeMusic T-Shirt Men's | | WorldwideWW | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Native Invader T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Native Invader T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Native Invader T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Native Invader T-Shirt Men's | | EuropeEU | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Native Invader T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Native Invader T-Shirt Men's | | | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Nautical Twilight T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Nautical Twilight T-Shirt Men's | | | tNight Of Hunters Era, | | |
| Night Of Hunters T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Night Of Hunters T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | tNight Of Hunters Era, | | |
| Northern Lad T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Northern Lad T-Shirt Men's | | | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Original Sinsuality T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Original Sinsuality T-Shirt Men's | | AustraliaAU | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| Original Sinsuality T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Original Sinsuality T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| Piano Love T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Piano Love T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Piano Love Tank Top | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Piano Love Tank Top Men's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
2 | Plugged 98 T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Plugged 98 T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Plugged Blue Piano T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Plugged Blue Piano T-Shirt Women's | | | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Plugged Film T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Plugged Film T-Shirt | | United StatesUS | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Plugged Red Piano Tank Top | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Plugged Red Piano Tank Top Women's | | | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Police Me T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Police Me T-Shirt Women's | | | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Potential Sinner T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Potential Sinner T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| Programmable Soda | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Programmable Soda Women's | | EuropeEU | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Raspberry Swirl T-shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Raspberry Swirl T-shirt Women's | 1998 | | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Raspberry Swirl T-shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Raspberry Swirl T-shirt Men's | | | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Recovering Christian T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Recovering Christian T-Shirt Men's | | | eBoys For Pele Era, | | |
| Recovering Christian T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Recovering Christian T-Shirt Men's | | | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Reindeer King T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Reindeer King T-Shirt Men's | | | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Riot Poof T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Riot Poof T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | gTo Venus And Back Era, | | |
| Satin Worship T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Satin Worship T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | hStrange Little Girls Era, | | |
| Scarlet Stories T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Scarlet Stories T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Scarlet Stories T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Scarlet Stories T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Scarlet's Bar T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Scarlet's Bar T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Scarlet's Bar T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Scarlet's Bar T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Scarlet's Walk Hoodie | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Scarlet's Walk Hoodie | | | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Sinful Attraction Tour T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Sinful Attraction Tour T-Shirt Women's | 2009 | EuropeEU | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Sinful Attraction Tour T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Sinful Attraction Tour T-Shirt Men's | 2009 | United StatesUS | qAbnormally Attracted To Sin Era, | | |
| Strange Little Girl Rhinestone T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Strange Little Girl Rhinestone T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | hStrange Little Girls Era, | | |
| Strange Little Girls Reflection T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Strange Little Girls Reflection T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | hStrange Little Girls Era, | | |
| Strange Little Tour 4 Characters T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Strange Little Tour 4 Characters T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | hStrange Little Girls Era, | | |
| Strange Little Tour 4 Characters T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Strange Little Tour 4 Characters T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | hStrange Little Girls Era, | | |
1 | Strange Little Tour T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Strange Little Tour T-Shirt Men | 2001 | | hStrange Little Girls Era, | | |
| Sweet The Sting T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Sweet The Sting T-Shirt Women's | | | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| Teenage Hustling T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Teenage Hustling T-Shirt Women's | 2007 | United StatesUS | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| The Beekeeper T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | The Beekeeper T-Shirt Women's | 2005 | | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| The Light Princess T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | The Light Princess T-Shirt Men's | | United KingdomUK | vThe Light Princess Era, | | |
| The Power Of Orange Knickers & "My Power Diary" Booklet | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | The Power Of Orange Knickers & "My Power Diary" Booklet | 2005 | | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | 12.5"W x 10"H |
| The Power Of Orange Knickers T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | The Power Of Orange Knickers T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| To Venus And Back Hoodie | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | To Venus And Back Hoodie | | | gTo Venus And Back Era, | | |
| To Venus And Back T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | To Venus And Back T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | gTo Venus And Back Era, | | |
| To Venus And Back Tour T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | To Venus And Back Tour T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | gTo Venus And Back Era, | | |
1 | Tori Amos Plugged '98 T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Tori Amos Plugged '98 T-Shirt Men's | | | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Tori Amos Plugged T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Tori Amos Plugged T-Shirt Women's | | | fFrom The Choirgirl Hotel Era, | | |
| Tori Amos Tour 1996 T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Tori Amos Tour 1996 T-Shirt | | | eBoys For Pele Era, | | |
| Tori's Piano Bar T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Tori's Piano Bar T-Shirt Men's | | EuropeEU | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| Tori's Piano Bar T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Tori's Piano Bar T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | kThe Beekeeper Era, | | |
| Trim Your Bush T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Trim Your Bush T-Shirt Women's | 2003 | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Trouble's Lament T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Trouble's Lament T-Shirt Men's | | | wUnrepentant Geraldines Era, | | |
| Under The Pink T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Under The Pink T-Shirt Men's | | | dUnder The Pink Era, | | |
| Unrepentant Geraldines T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Unrepentant Geraldines T-Shirt Women's | | | wUnrepentant Geraldines Era, | | |
| Unrepentant Geraldines T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Unrepentant Geraldines T-Shirt Men's | | AustraliaAU | wUnrepentant Geraldines Era, | | |
| Up The Creek T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Up The Creek T-Shirt Men's | | | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Waitress T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Waitress T-Shirt Men's | | | nAmerican Doll Posse Era, | | |
| Where's Scarlet? T-shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Where's Scarlet? T-shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Where's Scarlet? T-shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Where's Scarlet? T-shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |
| Y Kant Tori Read T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Y Kant Tori Read T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Y Kant Tori Read T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Y Kant Tori Read T-Shirt Men's | | United StatesUS | xNative Invader Era, | | |
| Your Cloud T-Shirt | Tour & Store | Merchandise | Clothing | Your Cloud T-Shirt Women's | | United StatesUS | iScarlet's Walk Era, | | |